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Vignos Lower Extremity Scale

The instrument is freely available here: Vignos?Rating?Scale

Supplemental – Highly Recommended: Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)
Supplemental: Congenital Muscular Dystrophy (CMD)
Short Description of Instrument
The Vignos Lower Extremity Scale was developed to access lower extremity function and also to help document progression.
Additional equipment is needed to perform this test.
Functional Grades: Hips and Legs
Walks and climbs stairs without assistance
Walks and climbs stairs with the aid of a railing
Walks and climbs stairs slowly (elapsed time of more than 12 seconds for 4 std. stairs) with aid of a railing
Walks unassisted and rises from a chair, but cannot climb stairs
Walks unassisted but cannot rise from a chair or climb stairs
Walks only with assistance or walks independently with long-leg braces
Walks in long-leg braces but requires assistance for balance
Stands in long leg braces, but is unable to walk even with assistance
Is in a wheelchair
Is confined to bed
Brooke MG, Griggs RC, Mendell JR, Fenichel, GM, Shumate JB and Peggegrino RJ (1981). Clinical trial in duchenne dystrophy. I The Design of the Protocol. Muscle and Nerve: 4:186-197.
Vignos PJ, Spencer CE, Archibald KC. (1963) Management of progressive muscular dystrophy in childhood.JAMA 184:389-96.


Document last updated July 2018